150 years ago, the Fujiwara family began their adventure with the production of Japanese swords. After World War II, sword making in Japan was reduced to such an extent that the Fujiwara family had to switch to knives and scissors. The steels in which the Fujiwara Forge specializes are Shirogami # 1 and Aogami super.
One of the things that the forge became famous for is the fact that it was the first to make stainless steel fittings for carbon steels. The combination of two different materials is extremely difficult and rare among Japanese blacksmiths. Fujiwara's hallmarks are high strength and excellent heat treatment of the blades. All his knives are hand polished on the traditional large round Kaiten Toishi waterstones. The style of work in the Fujiwara forge has been the same for generations, steel is chained in a coke-fired furnace where control over the hot steel is controlled only by the experienced eye of the master. Traditional production methods, knowledge and skills passed down from generation to generation, Teruyasu Fujiwara's kitchen knives are unmatched and are able to satisfy even the most demanding sharpness fanatic.
Characteristic in the construction of Fujiwara knives is the indentation in the blade between the heel of the knife and the handle which, with the right grip, creates a sense of extension of the hand, more than in other knives.