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      Gyuto / Chef's Knives

      This knife shape can do almost anything in the kitchen, from preparing meat to cutting vegetables. At first glance, you can see the similarity to the European chef's knife, but the design differences are significant. First of all, Gyuto is thinner so that it flows easily through the cut product; made of better steel, which allows you to maintain the desired sharpness for longer, while being usually lighter than its western cousins, which reduces fatigue while working with it.

      The hardness of the steel also makes it brittle and prone to chipping when cutting, for example, frozen products.Therefore, we recommend that you only cut things that you can chew yourself with healthy teeth :)
      This type of knife comes in various variants, shapes and handles. The standard gyuto has a light natural wood handle. Its core should be made of the best steel, which is clad with other softer steel that protects against corrosion, makes the structure more flexible and allows it to be much easier to slim down to restore its original ability to flow through the sliced ​​products. In our store there are also Europeanized gyuto which are very similar to the European chef's knives and try to connect both worlds.

      The handles in traditional gyuto are divided into round, octagonal and round with a side protrusion along the side of the handle is popularly called the D shape. All the above-mentioned usually taper towards the knife blade.